Stuck in doors this Easter and need a craft project? Kids bored? Or just have a creative hunger that needs filling? Here is a guide for naturally coloring & decorating Easter eggs. We hope you enjoy!

Step One - Two
What you need:
- Selection of leaves & flowers (softer varieties are easier to use)
- Stocking (ideally an old one)
- String
- Scissors
- White Vinegar
- White Eggs
- Onion Skin (dyes eggs brown)
- Blueberries (dyes eggs blue)
- Turmeric (dyes eggs yellow)
- Beetroot (dyes eggs pink)
Step Three
Chop/grate the coloring substance (onion/turmeric/blueberries/beetroot), then put it into a sauce pan of warm water. Fill it with enough water so that when we put the egg in they will be fully immersed. Add a spoon of vinegar to each sauce pan (this will help the colors stick to the eggs).
Step Four
Put a little vinegar on a paper towel, then gently wipe it over the eggs.

Step Five
Cut the stocking into segments big enough to fit an egg, tie off one end with string.
Step Seven - Ten
Depending on the plant this can be a bit fiddly. Some flowers and leafs you will be able to kinda stick to the egg with the help of a little water; others you will just have to hold in place as best you can. Put the segment of stocking over the egg and tie off (try to make it a snug fit, the stocking holds the leafs/flowers against the egg for the dying process).

Step Twelve
Put the eggs into the saucepans, make sure they get fully immersed. Bring the saucepans to the boil (approx 8 minutes). The remove the saucepans from the heat (we left the eggs in the colored dye saucepans for an additional 10 minutes).

Step Thirteen - Fourteen
Cut the eggs out of the stocking, gently dry the eggs with a paper towel.
Step Fifteen
Display in a small basket with some greenery / decorate as desired.

Thanks again to Astrid for helping with this Easter DIY.
Much Love,
Andy & Aless
The Esplanade Shop