If you feel like trying something different to throwing flowers into a vase ; try creating this leafy flower wreath to decorate the dining table or entry cabinet. Instructions Below.

Step One
What you need:
- Flexible green vine / Ivy
- a selection of small flowers
- tie wire
- pliers
- knife
- glass bowl
- a cup of water
Step Two - Four
Wrap the green vine into a circle doing a couple of loops around itself. Make sure you loop some tie wire around the wreath to help hold it together (but don't cut the wire yet).

Step Five - Eight
Trim the flowers so the stalk is 2-3cm in length. Using the tie wire, wrap the flowers stalks onto the vine wreath. Do this until you have a good array of flowers all around the wreath.

Step Nine - Twelve
Loop off the last flower and trim the tie wire. Tuck the end into the wreath. Place into the glass bowl and fill with a little water (this will help to keep the flowers fresh).

We hope you enjoy this little decoration tip!
Thank you to Astrid for all the help.
Much Love,
Andy & Aless
The Esplanade Shop